Green Marketing Services

Green Digital Marketing seeks firms committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the UN 2030 Agenda that communicate these values ​​and unique initiatives from a social, economic and ecological approach.
We develop and implement strategies that enhance the reputation of your business, building brands that symbolize positive change.

We hope that the new sustainable challenges will become the revolution that this world needs.
Since the creation of the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals, new perspectives have been proposed in business models to chart the path towards true sustainable development where all social, economic and ecological agents are aligned for this common purpose.

Therefore, the Corporate Social Responsibility of a company has become the key element to integrate its communication with stakeholders in order to impact and raise awareness about sustainability. Thanks to this strategy we will achieve an optimal situation for companies, society and the environment.

Green Marketing is setting a trend. Consumer concerns have been evolving in recent years. Today there is great concern for the world around us, the environment and sustainability. According to the Eurobarometer, a survey carried out by the European Commission in 2020, 94% of EU member citizens consider it essential to protect the environment.

In accordance with this new market awareness, consumers no longer only look at the prices of products before buying them, but also at the values ​​they represent and whether they are ecological.

In this context, it is essential that companies contribute to sustainable change by adopting a green marketing strategy.
What is green marketing?

It consists of the need to change production and consumption habits in order to preserve the environment.

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), green marketing is "the development and marketing of products designed to minimize negative effects on the environment or improve its quality."

It is not limited to promoting sustainable products, but to the integral transformation of the business or factory where the product originates, under a sustainable orientation. The new premise is to satisfy the customer, obtain business profitability and that the product or service is sustainable.

Stgarbucks, Ikea and LG have already adopted green marketing strategies.

The benefits are: 1. Differentiation from the competition, 2. Attraction of new clients, 3. Economic profitability, 4. Environmental legislation, 5. Positioning of the brand.